This is the Operating System course site, a GitHub Page, hosted at GitHub.com (thank you!). This site contains links to lecture materials, exam questions, and laboratory materials. It is based on Google Here, There, and Everywhere (GSGS™).
26-Aug-2024 | Week 00 | Overview 1, Virtualization & Scripting | Ch. 1, 2, 18. |
02-Sep-2024 | Week 01 | Overview 2, Virtualization & Scripting | Ch. 1, 2, 18. |
09-Sep-2024 | Week 02 | Security, Protection, Privacy, & C-language. | Ch. 16, 17. |
18-Sep-2024 | Week 03 | File System & FUSE | Ch. 13, 14, 15. |
25-Sep-2024 | Week 04 | Addressing, Shared Lib, & Pointer | Ch. 9. |
02-Oct-2024 | Week 05 | Virtual Memory | Ch. 10. |
14-Oct-2024 | MIDTERM | 14 to 22 | TBA |
23-Oct-2024 | Week 06 | Concurrency: Processes & Threads | Ch. 3, 4. |
30-Oct-2024 | Week 07 | Synchronization & Deadlock | Ch. 6, 7, 8. |
06-Nov-2024 | Week 08 | Scheduling + W06/W07 | Ch. 5. |
13-Nov-2024 | Week 09 | Storage, Firmware, Bootloader, & Systemd | Ch. 11. |
20-Nov-2024 | Week 10 | I/O & Programming | Ch. 12. |
11-Dec-2024 | FINAL | 11 to 20 | TBA |
You are free to share, copy and redistribute the material of this site in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially. Please give appropriate credit, provide a link to the page, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner. You should not apply legal terms or technological measures, that legally restrict others from doing anything that is permitted here.
Laman ini berisi tautan-tautan seputar mata kuliah Sistem Operasi seperti bahan kuliah,
soal ujian, dan bahan laboratorium.
Situs ini dikelola oleh VauLSMorg (vlsm.org)
sejak 2018.
Situs ini berbasis
“Google Sana, Google Sini, Coba Itu, Coba Ini, Lalu Tanya-tanyi” (GSGSCICILTT).
Entah ini PLAGIAT, entah ini RISET,
yang jelas tidak pernah ada klaim bahwa ini merupakan karya asli,
serta belum tentu pula merupakan solusi terbaik,
serta bukan untuk konsumsi Scopus :).
Mohon kiranya memberikan tanggapan,
terutama jika memiliki solusi alternatif.
Semoga catatan ini akan bermanfaat di masa mendatang,
saat sudah lupa cara menyelesaikan masalah trivia ini.