title: Operating Systems - Sistem Operasi
version: "Sat 30 Nov 2024 15:00"
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author: C. BinKadal
google_analytics: G-0M9QENHGRN
address: "Sendirian, Berhad."
sitemap: true
- jekyll-sitemap
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urlweb: "https://os.vlsm.org/"
urlscele: "https://scele.cs.ui.ac.id/course/view.php?id=3841"
urllogcode: "https://doit.vlsm.org/ETC/logCodes.txt"
urlcontact: "TBA"
urlgithub: "https://github.com/os2xx/os/"
urlghpage: "https://os.vlsm.org/"
keywords: "jekyll, testing"
github: [metadata]
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group :jekyll_plugins do
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Shamelessly stolen from "Here, There, and Everywhere",
including but not limited to "bootstrap", "stack overflow",
"Mike Dane", "w3schools", et al.
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# (c) 2011 Brice Fernandes. This script was ripped from
# https://fractallambda.com/2011/08/17/pincpy-including-files-and-script-output.html
# Note: This script is outdated.
# The author uses Handlebars.js or Pystache for the same purpose.
# Usage:
# python .program/xx.py < in.pmd > out.md
import sys
import re
import shlex
import subprocess as sp
exe_pat = re.compile(r'(\s*)\(!>(.*)<\)\s*')
inc_pat = re.compile(r'(\s*)\(>(.*)<\)\s*')
if __name__ == "__main__":
for line in sys.stdin:
match_exe = re.match(exe_pat, line)
match_inc = re.match(inc_pat, line)
if match_exe:
space = match_exe.group(1)
exe = match_exe.group(2).strip()
args = shlex.split(exe)
lambda x: space+x+"\n",
elif match_inc:
space = match_inc.group(1)
inc = match_inc.group(2).strip()
lambda x: space+x,
# Sun 26 Sep 2021 11:27:55 WIB
echo "ZCZC $1" | tee -a $REPORT
expt() {
local EXSTAMP=$(printf "%8.8X" $(( $(date +%s) & 16#FFFFFFFF )) )
[ "$(hostname)" = "$USER" ] && {
EXCHSUM=$(echo "$USER$EXSTAMP"|sha1sum|tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'| cut -c1-8)
fecho "expt $EXSTAMP $EXCHSUM"
fecho "date $(date '+%y%m%d %H%M')"
fecho "user $USER hostname $(hostname)"
echo "===== To EXIT, press CONTROL-C ===== ====="
echo "===== Report File: $REPORT ===== ====="
rm -f $REPORT
while true ; do
while (( LOOP-- )) ; do
TMP1=$(($(df|awk '/ \/$/ {print $3}')/1024))
(( "$MaxROOT" < "$TMP1" )) && { MaxROOT=$TMP1; fecho "MaxRootFS ${MaxROOT}M" ; }
TMP1=$(($(free|awk '/Mem:/ {print $3}')/1024))
(( "$MaxMemory" < "$TMP1" )) && { MaxMemory=$TMP1; fecho "MaxMemory ${MaxMemory}M" ; }
TMP1=$(($(free|awk '/Swap:/ {print $3}')/1024))
(( "$MaxSwap" < "$TMP1" )) && { MaxSwap=$TMP1; fecho "MaxSwap ${MaxSwap}M" ; }
sleep 6
sleep $((1+(++EXTRAS/60)))
(( "$EXTRAS" > "60" )) && EXTRAS=0